Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Christ-centered Christmas

“Have a Christ-centered Christmas,” said someone earlier on this week as we parted. I find it odd how people find it necessary to remind others to orient their time around Christ this season—isn’t that why we have Christmas? Even pastors tirelessly preach about the importance of not indulging ourselves in the evil of consumerism and remind us to reflect on Christ during this season.

How far is society steering from Jesus for people to warn us of the evil surrounding the Christmas season? All around us, we witness people swarming into stores and throwing money at cashiers, in the process pushing and trampling others to receive happiness, acceptance, or maybe love—I don’t know anymore.

Instead, this time of year should highlight the hope that came from God, who left heaven and humbled himself for our sake (Luke 2:6-7) to free us of sin (Romans 3:23-24) and remind us of the hope that is in his return (Hebrews 9:28).

Enjoy your Christmas!